Why did we choose this photo of Lake Louise and the Canadian Rockies, taken by Mark Molitor, for our homepage?

Because it spoke to us of serenity and strength—the sense of centeredness and constancy that flows from connecting with both who you really are and who you aspire to become.

Year after year after year in the face of wind, rain, sleet, and snow; through the heat of summer and the freezing cold of winter; through avalanches and rock slides; the mountains remain steadfast, upright and strong. Weathering all conditions while continuing to rise majestically towards the promise of the sky.

While the surface of the lake—covered under a frozen blanket of ice and snow in winter, and buffeted by wind, rain and snow melt in the spring, summer and autumn—always returns to a glass like stillness. A stillness that reflects the deep abiding calm that’s always at its core, resilient and enduring.

Oh to be that mountain, to be that lake…to be both who we truly are and, increasingly, who we aspire to become.

It is indeed, as the philosopher Joseph Campbell once put it: ‘the privilege of a lifetime.’