HOW to CURE (and avoid) LEADERSHIP VERTIGO: The 4 C’s of Leadership

HOW to CURE (and avoid) LEADERSHIP VERTIGO: The 4 C’s of Leadership

The start of 2016 sent me into a spin. Literally. I woke in the early hours of the morning to find my bedroom whirling around me like an out of control merry go round. It was disconcerting to say the least. Unsure what was happening, and uncertain what I could do to ‘stop the ride’, I closed my eyes and did my best to ignore the extreme nausea, hoping that when I woke again, everything would be back to normal.

3 Reasons Why Getting Nowhere Might Be Just What You Need

3 Reasons Why Getting Nowhere Might Be Just What You Need

I’ve always been a high achiever—a success in the classroom, on the basketball court, in the business world, and in the community. I had short and long range plans, set ‘SMART’ goals, broke them down into manageable tasks, and executed them with zeal. I worked hard, inspired others (so I’m told), and did my utmost to give 100 percent. Simply put, I got things done, got ahead, and was seen as ‘going places’…I didn’t know any other way. Yet at age 43, I was diagnosed with severe depression.